Standing Rock

Standing Rock is yet another example of privileged corporations making their disregard for others known. After all these years of American culture stealing, invading, hurting Native Peoples, First Nations, Native Americans, still today it is tolerated no matter the protests. Why were other plans not implemented for the pipeline, no matter the cost? For generations, corporate money gets away with anything, and it is a fault in our nation’s integrity.

American culture has never emphasized the connection with nature as do Native Americans. With nature being more integrated in their daily lifestyle and customs it is a disconnect indeed to trample over their requests to respect the land. Out of respect for humanity, all nations need healthy boundaries. America, often proclaiming high moral standards, but defaulting to prejudices, oppression, suppression, and forceful encroachment for mere profit makes the headlines.

Taking advantage of others by putting in a pipeline, a huge wall, or by taking land or resources away from another is exploitation, it is not capitalism anymore, it is not humane and ought to be illegal. We cannot walk over whoever we want. The United States needs to rely on and support the Native Nations, the indigenous people who walked this continent long before us. Respecting this is just as inclusive of supporting diversity and acceptance of others.

I thought that we would have more shame, more reverence towards our history, and respect towards Native American people. Our culture has wronged them, and just in the last few years, to be so unapologetic about Standing Rock, and to start threatening the Tohono O’odham Nation with a great wall is grossly sad and embarrassing. Surly, America has the choice to place value on people. We can put a stop to the bullying of indigenous people of America.  

Thank you to everyone that stood with Standing Rock and do. Sorry this is happening. I hope that with your great efforts, and the public’s, in protest and those efforts of lawmakers, and people in positions of influence, can rewrite the script. The one that entitles people to belittle who we are together as a nation. Instead, showing a little respect for boundaries and lifestyle is one of the deep and powerful heartbeats in our culture, and we need to uphold things like this, important things.   





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