
Turning over a rock is never quite the same when done inside a human heart, not as easy as to see the dirt, feel the dirt, or just move the rock. In the heart, vision is destiny, a place where all things manifest during witching hours, when a person is truly alone.

What comes out of the winery within, after all our fermented toils have gained peace, is it good, or do we change the recipe and adjust. Maybe the wine is just tolerable, maybe after a few drinks, who cares, right? I care. Do I?

Social reservoirs melt together in moving art, reshaping influence, influencing us. Trending products, environmental change, prisms of perception, all work inside our abilities to open and close doors, doors built on every day decisions.

The lid lifts. We see the sky, climbing up the hill ever valiant and true.
“Where’s my stead, my sword,” and against all foes, up the proud knight goes, but not so far from a tumble down the hill, and then, ….to only hurry back up again.

There is a churning bucket inside what we call human, and the desire to survive. Human, a companion to life, to live and make life. We dream alike, and are a common goal, but also not so far from the end- we do toll.






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