Iron Giant

earth metal back home
as liquid, as energy
with personality, with force
nature, she howls
and sits ever still

frequencies vibe deep
ones that we can’t detect
but move us somehow,
each foot in front of the other

life is a very broad term
how about we sit and feel it
how about we live it
not like what we see
but inside, like the earth we stand
Iron Giant

what destroys, creates
we do, they do, it does
every feeling, every thought
we plant and uproot
working the land
sharing the same substance

we gather at evenings table
on earth’s tilt, a big wide world
is smaller- narrower than deep mountainous oceans- dive
dreams born in the night, fly
cuffed in earth’s hand
footsteps over canyons, bridge
handshakes like sails
that cross over great divides

all our feet rooted in dirt layers
ground growing from the bottom up
little minds absorbing data
rhythmic shouts and sweet hums
we can hear, in the core
fluid translation, fluid self
still alive
Iron Giant






2 responses to “Iron Giant”

  1. forresting365 Avatar

    So beautiful. Thank You! 💕


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